“Laugh Lines”

| UnReal Stand-up Comedy |

What’s the coolest thing about LP’s “Laugh Lines” show?

The Jokes? No
The theme song? No.
The production? No.
The ads? Seriously?

No. The coolest thing about “Laugh Lines” is that LP puts you, the viewer, in charge of your viewing experience. You don’t have to watch the whole video, if you don’t want to. You can skip the advertisement and go directly to the “Episode and Title segment.” Or you can go to an advertisement and click on the link in the video to go to the site to shop and make a purchase. LP puts you in control and still makes you laugh! “Laugh Lines” as a program is a game changer! And that’s no April Fool.

Happy April Fools Day! And thanks for watching! 😉

In what could only be described as a thinly veiled, brazen attempt to lure more users to his website and increase the world happiness quotient… Funnyman ‘LP’ has created the following video to wish people “Happy Birthday” and promote “Laugh Lines.” His latest attempt at becoming laughably famous – The show will debut Monday, April 1st, 2019. This is not a joke… Although, the intent of the show is to deliver one laugh a day to its subscribers by sometimes telling jokes. People who wish to send birthday greetings to friends, family, co-workers or others are invited to share this link. Those who could use a laugh are invited to ‘Subscribe’ at the LP Stand-up channel on YouTube.com

People who wish to send birthday greetings to friends, family, co-workers or others are invited to share this link. Those who could use a laugh are invited to visit the LP StandUp.com website.

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